Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Starred Review from Booklist

Booklist just published a beautiful starred review of The Steep and Thorny Way in their January 1, 2016, issue, and I couldn't be happier. Here's a snippet:

★  “Hanalee’s investigation of her father’s murder and her growing friendship with Joe are engrossing enough, but Winters amplifies the story by weaving Oregon’s troubling true history—state-sanctioned discrimination, eugenics, forced sterilization—throughout the tale, adding weighty, unsettling context to the slow-burning mystery. A powerful, gripping, and exceptionally well-executed glimpse into a little-known corner of U.S. history. —Sarah Hunter, Booklist

The full review is posted at Thanks so much to Booklist for bestowing this honor upon the novel.

If you'd like to read a sneak peek of the first chapter of The Steep and Thorny Way, head to YA Books Central on Friday, January 15, 2016.

Amulet Books will publish the book on March 8, 2016.



Carina Olsen said...

I love love love love that this book is getting a lot of starred reviews. <3 Hugs. So deserving. I loved it so much :D Wishing I could re-read it already. But won't read it twice as an ebook, lol :D

Cat Winters said...

Thank you, Carina! I'm overjoyed about the starred reviews.