
Rights Info:
Barbara Poelle, Word One Literary

Foreign Rights:
Heather Baror-Shapiro, Baror International

Film Rights:
Steven Fisher, APA

Speaking Engagements:
Lisa Nadel, Lonni Lane Marketing

NoteCat is unavailable to attend any events where the hosting organization or the event's location discriminates against books by and/or about marginalized or underrepresented people. She supports equity and inclusion. 

Blurb requests:
Please contact my literary agent, Barbara Poelle, at

Contacting me directly:

Before emailing me, please make sure your question isn't already answered below.

What is the theme of your book?

I receive this question quite often from students writing book reports. The theme of any book is for you, dear reader, to decide. Everyone interprets books differently, and the meaning of a novel can change when you reread it at a later age . . . or even a later week. 

Will you respond to my email? My grade depends upon you replying to me.

If your grade is dependent upon me responding to your email, please direct your teacher to this Google document I've prepared for this situation.

Where do you get the ideas for your novels?

I typically answer this question for each specific book in the Author's Note section of the novels. In general, my ideas start when I stumble upon a dark, strange, or haunting piece of history that grabs me by the shoulders and begs me to write a book about it.

Do you have any advice for teen writers?

Yes! Please visit my Resources for Teen Writers post.

I've already written to you. Why haven't you responded?

I'm frequently hurrying to meet deadlines for multiple books while also preparing for appearances and raising kids. I do appreciate every single message I receive from readers, but often I simply don't have time to respond. 

Do you speak at schools?

Head to my Author Visits page for info about school and library visits.

Will you read my book and/or offer me publishing advice? 

I am unable to read unpublished manuscripts, and my policy for blurbing novels is listed above. If you're an aspiring author, I encourage you to attend writing conferences, seek critique groups or partners, join organizations such as the Society for Children's Book Writers & Illustrators (for picture books through YA), and find a reputable literary agent through the Association of Author's Representatives, Inc.

My Email:

You can also find me at the following online haunts:
