Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Lovely Award for BLACKBIRDS and a Nomination for THE CURE FOR DREAMING

Today I had the honor of accepting the Oregon Spirit Book Award in the category of Young Adult Fiction. Huge thanks to the Oregon Council of Teachers of English for naming In the Shadow of Blackbirds the winner! They gave me a beautiful plaque and Oregon Spirit Book Award seals to place upon the book. If you work in a bookstore and would like some seals for your copies of the novel, please contact me.

Recently, I learned that The Cure for Dreaming received an honor of its own: it's been nominated for the 2015 Amelia Bloomer Project, Recommended Feminist Literature for Birth through 18, presented by the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association. I'm extremely proud of both of my books and the recognition they're receiving.

The Cure for Dreaming debuts in less that two weeks now. Be sure to check back this upcoming Monday, October 6, 2014, for blog tour info. The entire tour schedule is now posted at RockStar Book Tours.


Music: "Mostly Ghostly," composed and performed by Kristen Lawrence.

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